
a little birthday weekend.

Well, I hit it. The milestone 24. I'm not quite sure that it's sunk in yet. I'm not in my early 20s anymore, I'm in my mid 20s. And somehow that age seems to come with responsibility. I'm excited for it — it's mature, experienced, but still young enough to not know anything. I'm not quite sure how to define it just yet.

But it was a great weekend. I spent it with the two boys above, friends, more family, and lots of sweets. My close friends threw me a birthday dinner on Saturday night {I'm a firm believer that if your birthday falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, you must celebrate the whole weekend}, and we enjoyed free appetizers from Patrick our waiter and some March madness upsets. Somehow sickness seems to find me whenever it's the least convenient, so I spent the weekend with a not-so-attractive cough and the voice of a prepubescent 12 year old boy.

On Sunday I sent my poor roommate to the ER after she injured herself cutting up onions for salsa for my birthday party. I'm the worst, right? And after she made me breakfast and decorated the apartment with love notes and everything. While she was getting stitched up, I had a gold-themed party and caught up with friends. The infamous Zack Oates gifted me with a 20 second birthday kiss {and of course there were no cameras around so I can't prove that it actually happened}, and we snacked on cake and brownie bites.

A few memories from the weekend:

Thank you to everyone who made that day so special. Thank you for the gifts and notes and calls and hugs. It really was a great weekend, and I can't wait to put a definition on what this year is going to be. But so far, 24 is lookin' mighty fine.

P.S. Congratulations to my roommate Brooke and her fiancĂ© Quinn for getting engaged over the weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :) That looks like a way fun weekend!
