
a cabin in the woods.

This weekend I spent time with some great friends at a cabin in the woods of Utah. When I say cabin, I mean cabin in every bare sense of the word. No electricity, no running water, no Wifi {NO WIFI}. And I'll be honest, shutting yourself off from the outside world for a little while is the best kind of therapy. It's a little too easy to get glued to your phone or computer these days, am I right?

How can you beat that view? There's something about camping or cabining. Living in QUIET. Being able to hear yourself think, you know? I think we all need that every once in a while. 

 I can't get over it. Nature. It's pretty neat.

Also, guns are fun {when used properly, of course}. And my aim, which isn't fantastic just yet, is better than I thought. Girl power.

And getting shot in the hind quarters with a BB gun hurts more than you might think it would.

We went for a little nature walk, played Apples to Apples and card games, and lived in our onesie pajamas. Best purchase of my life, those Batman onesie PJs.

Why is it that when you're at a cabin, food just tastes so much better? Right? Pancakes are fluffier, hot chocolate is sweeter, roasted marshmallows get that perfect golden-y crispness you just can't get by heating them over your stove. Cabin food forever!

A weekend at a cabin is the best, is what it is. Thanks for a great trip, Hansens! 

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