
a weekend in the outdoors.

On Saturday morning I woke up to this. Well...I didn't really wake up to it, since I actually never went to bed on Friday night. I was busy checking hiking Mount Timpanogos off of my bucket list. And 10 hours, 13 miles, and legs that still feel like Jell-O later, it was pretty darn worth it. It was a spontaneous trip up the mountain, and at first I debated actually going, because let's face it, as much as I wish I was a hiker...I'm not. And while there were a few times on my way up the mountain that I was convinced that my legs weren't going to carry my weight any further, they did. Way to go, legs! It was tough, but it was the kind of tough that in the end made me say to myself, "Yeah! You owned that mountain!"And those are the best kind of toughs, aren't they?

^^ Really though, you get all sorts of close to people just to stay warm once you reach the top.

The next day, as if hiking wasn't enough to ruin my legs for a while, I went geocaching for the first time. In case you don't know what geocaching is, let me put it this way: treasure hunting for adults who secretly want to feel like they're 7 year old pirates again. Or maybe that's just me? Anyway, who knew so many people do it? Apparently in Provo alone there are hundreds of little treasures hidden for people to find. Kind of cool, right? I was pretty proud of myself when I was put in charge of finding a certain geocache and found it almost instantly. I always knew Jack Sparrow and I were kindred spirits.

 In other news around these parts, Shark Week. And also, I wrote this post about my favorite book for Striving Onward. Happy Wednesday and happy August!

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