
the in between.

You know that place between Fall and Winter? The place where Fall is giving us her last few breaths, and Winter is lightly tapping at the door, her impatience growing with each tap? That's how today feels. It's that transition period, where Fall is still clinging on as hard as she can, and Winter will soon give up her tapping and eventually pound that door down with full force. And I can feel it. I went for a run this morning, crunching through piles of leaves that were just waiting to be covered in snow. They're brown and dead now, their purpose gone. The sky was dark, trying to decide between rain or snow, the air had a bit more chill to it. And it left me feeling like it's transition time.

So with that, we say goodbye to Fall. For me it has been a season of improvement. I've made changes, and have some changes in the works. And while I'm not ready for the freezing cold, I'm ready for winter. I'm excited for all the family time I'll get in the next couple of months, and to move forward with some big projects. 

So thank your, Fall. Here are a few photos of my favorite things from this season.

And of course, the best line to describe the season that exists, ever.

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