So I'm moving into a house! I've mentioned that, right? It's a little exciting. While I've been living at home the past week, I've been planning how i want to decorate my room. It's a pretty daunting task! This will be the first place I've lived in that won't be furnished, so I'm going to have to be a grownup and buy furniture {!!}. Bless the Ikea that is five minutes from my new place, I know I'll be living there.
I've been thinking of going for a white and gold theme. I love white and I love gold, and I think those colors will look great all year round. Here are a few ideas that have been inspiring me lately {all images via Pinterest}:
I'm excited to get this place all up and decorated!
YES!!! I'm also on the white and gold train. So classy and elegant. Good luck with your move! (or maybe it already happened). New stages of life are fun! It sounds exciting to have a new house!