
to create.

"the desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." dieter f. uchtdorf

It's true. As one who has never deemed herself as a "creative," I've found this desire, this need, to always be creating something in the last little while. There's a sense of accomplishment, of pride, that comes when I make something, be it a blog post, a good meal, or let's be honest, just a simple good hair day. 

Maybe it's the future "mother" in me that causes me to want to make things, I don't know. Wether you're a mother or not, I really believe part of a woman's nature is to create, no matter what it is. I think the purpose of being here is to use our hands, our minds, our god-given abilities to create beautiful things. I think "beautiful things" is completely open to interpretation, but we need to make them.

That's all.     

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